Ever since I was in college, I’ve always been fascinated by the way different systems ran.I always jumped at any chance I got to get on anyone else’s ambulance just to see how they did things.When I was around twenty years old, I belonged to two Volunteer EMS Departments, and would help out when a third was short.I also spent time doing ride time with out County Medic Units as I got ready to further my career inEMS.
When I was a Paramedic Student, I spent the first week of my field internship on a 40-hour ride along with FDNY.I spent three days out ofMetropolitanHospital, and two days out ofJacobyHospitalinBrooklyn.While I got some good skills, I was more interested in how they worked.I took a lot from that experience, much like I did from my time inAlameda County,Californiawhich I’ve talked about ad nausium.
Since I got into this whole Social Media craze back in February, I’ve met many people from many different systems big and small.One day this summer, I got to thinking, “How can I get a better picture of what everyone is doing?”The answer was right on my phone: Twitter.The result was the creation of a Hashtag, #MyEMSDay.
Over the last six months, what started out as a few different contributors has grown to daily and hourly Tweets, vaguely detailing the events of everyone’s day.Each day, I see Tweets not only from theUSbut from all over the world.I get to see Paramedics and EMTs professionally and respectfully sharing their thoughts about the events of theirEMSsystem on that given day.Some people may vent, and some people may share that big call that they feel really good about, but all in all, it’s a way for everyone to see what everyone else is involved in.
Do you follow #MyEMSDay?If not, you should add it to your Twitter, right next to #CoEMS, my other favorite Hashtag.Take a look, read a little bit, and share your own thoughts.We want to hear them!
And here I never realized that #MyEMSDay was your invention. Well done! I have a search column set up on TweetDeck just for everyone's EMS day. In addition to learning about what people are up to, I've found many great folks to follow! Thanks again!