Nov 6, 2014
This week I started what is essentially my first real true vacation since my trip to New Orleans for EMS Expo 2012. I’ve had time off, however most of it has been because of swaps. This time around though, I burned enough vacation time to put me out of work until the 22nd of November. It’s an exciting break to say the least.
No fall break would be complete without a trip to EMS World’s annual EMS conference being held this year in Nashville, Tennessee. For those of you who have never been to a national conference I ask you again, what are you waiting for? If you want to see the latest products, or have a chance to rub elbows with some of the most brilliant thinkers in this industry then conferences like EMS Expo or EMS Today are for you. This trip marks my 9th consecutive major conference. I’ve made some great friends, amazing professional contacts, and I have always walked away with a little different view of our field and where we are heading.
I am sure that many of you are wondering what happened to the podcast. Well, it’s not dead. Not even close. The last couple of months has been taken up by a lot of extra work, extra teaching and side projects which have taken time away from my social media existence, particularly the development of the podcast. Schedules clash, ideas need to be saved until the right people are available to talk about them, and some ideas just never seem to fully develop. We will be recording an episode of the show on the exhibit hall floor thanks to Jamie Davis and the crew at the ProMed Network. They have always been so good to me, and continue to be supportive.
Furthermore, I hope to get together with some people down there to actually have a chance to schedule some upcoming shows. So the podcast is not even close to being a dead project. I have invested in it, and plan on getting back to it in Nashville and in the coming months. In the meantime, check out the already recorded episodes here.
Tomorrow I hop on a plane to Louisville, Kentucky to meet up with some friends, and then Sunday we are all piling into a car and heading down to Nashville for the week. Great times will be had, new friends will be made, and I hope that you are one of them! If you happen to see me, come up and say hi! I would love to meet you.