Another year has gone by, and it is time for the third annual EMS on the Hill Day! Unfortunately, I am not going to be participating this year, but that does not diminish the need to stress the importance of advocacy not just this week, but year round.
There are decisions that need to be made that are not made by EMTs, paramedics, or their services’ leadership. They are championed, led, and voted on by senators and congressmen who act largely on their gut, and information given to them by their staff. It is our responsibility as a community to make sure that they are getting the right information. While year-round advocacy is vital, EMS on the Hill Day gives us a chance to take Capitol Hill by storm and share with them in one unified voice to talk to our representatives and lawmakers about issues that are important to us and our future.
Take a look at this video from NAEMT about last year’s EMS on the Hill Day. And yes, that’s me.