I had someone very close to me point out that sometimes I have the ability to get rather negative, as of late, about where I came from. Looking back at some posts and some Tweets, I couldn’t help but see what she was talking about. I don’t know exactly why that manifests itself. Some of it is frustration, some of it is my own pride. While 2012 posed a lot of crossroads for me that led to my inevitable departure from Springfield, I count my blessings every day for the experiences I had and the friends that I made in my twelve years working there. I learned many lessons from many, many different people: patients, doctors, professors, EMTs that I worked with, supervisors who both supervised me and supervised with me, paramedics who reported to me. . . the list goes on and on. I had a long way to go to be good at my job when I started in Springfield and without those experiences, without those calls that I did both with good and bad outcomes I would not be the person or the paramedic that I am today. I left for a number of reasons, the culmination of it all contributing to the fact that I was not happy. Part of it was issues with the local direction of my company, part of it was the major changes happening way above my head that I had absolutely no control over. I wanted and needed a change, and that is exactly what I got. None of that took away from the fact that I had some amazing supervisors that I got to work with, and two hundred plus EMT’s and paramedics who I was proud to work in the street with. Now that I am almost four months out from my departure, I just wanted to once again share that with everyone. I have written a lot in the last month about the team at AMR Springfield because I believe in them and I believe that no one could do a better job for the people in Springfield. I believe in the EMTs, the paramedics, the dispatchers, and the team that leads...
The Podcast
We took the week off last weeks or Labor Day and this week the podcast is back with a short interview that I did on Jamie Davis’ The Medicast where we talk about the show and what it is all about. Regular shows will be back next week! Enjoy! To download the show in MP3 format, follow this link! Otherwise check the show out below: ...
Read MoreFor Leadership
Roughly twelve years ago, AMR and AEV’s Safety Concept Vehicle made its way to Springfield for us to take a look at. It included a number of interesting features like an expanded harness setup to allow providers to move a little more freely around the box while still being anchored. There were mounting brackets for cardiac monitors, and video cameras to monitor both the rear of the truck for backing up, and the passenger side to check for traffic before opening the curbside door. The vehicle itself contained a lot of positives that have been adopted over the years. I see more cameras used in emergency vehicles and I’m a a fan of the checkered or striped patterns on the backs of trucks to make them more visible to oncoming traffic. I have also seen a few more monitor brackets. But where is everything else? When is that ambulance of the future going to get here? Year after year at conference after conference, there will undoubtedly be some ambulance parked on the exhibit hall floor touting itself as the “ambulance of...
Read MoreFor the Field
There has been a lot of buzz over the past week about California’s EMS Bill of Rights. Dave Konig has a great take on it over at The Social Medic that I encourage you to read. American Medical Response has even launched a counter campaign to it complete with the hashtag #LivesBeforeLunch. While that makes me cringe a bit, I want to touch on one line of AMR’s response to the bill that stuck with me. “As written, AB 263 is an unprecedented political power grab, and will heavily penalize private – but not public – employers of EMTs and paramedics.” When I look back at my career with AMR that spanned more than twelve years, I had a lot of ups and downs. Had busy shifts and I had slow shifts. I found myself mandated to work despite being sick, or just needing a day off. Through the highlights and the lowlights of working in a busy 9-1-1 system that amassed roughly 40,000 calls per year, the instances where my 12 hour shifts hit double digits were rare when compared...
Read MoreLessons to Learn
Any time I peruse the pages of EMS related articles I will inevitably come across some service that is trying to take over another service’s area. Diving deeper into those articles usually reveals the same usual arguments. Imagine my surprise when I clicked on an article about the East Longmeadow Fire Department’s move to take over EMS response in the town of East Longmeadow. I should first point out that what I am about to write is meant to represent my own personal views on the state of the industry. I have not inquired about anything having to do with the current staffing of ambulances and volume. What I am reflecting on is the article and just the article coupled with my years of experience in the greater Springfield area. Just to give a little bit of background here, I used to have a dog in this fight. As many of you know, I was a 12-year employee of American Medical Response, the last seven of which as a supervisor. I participated in contract bids for the town, and saw service...
Read MoreRecent Posts
An Open Letter to the City of Springfield
Tuesday afternoon at 3:30pm, there will be a meeting held at Springfield City Hall to discuss American Medical Response and their ability to provide prehospital care to the citizens of Springfield. Below is something I would like to share with the City Councilors who will be in attendance Tuesday. City Councilors of Springfield, Despite the favorable findings of WGGB in their investigation on emergency response, you have decided to hold a forum to discuss potential short comings of the current EMS provider to the City of Springfield. Yes, that is right, I said it was favorable. Although the ebb and flow of the story might not have showed it, all of the information provided shows that AMR exceeds the expectations set for it. But maybe you should dig a little deeper. Prior to walking in the door to Tuesday’s meeting, I would like to urge you to do a little research and maybe expand your vocabulary a bit. For instance, for just a second, let’s forget about response times. They don’t nearly matter as much as you might think. Try researching what a ROSC rate is, or how CPAP has reduced the mortality of shortness of breath patients, particularly in Springfield. Ask Baystate Medical Center about the success of their ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction program (STEMI for short) and ask them how many of those patients are delivered by AMR. Still not convinced? Why not take a good hard look at other communities around the country and see for yourself how good you have it in Springfield. An ambulance is on scene in a preset amount of time or less 97% of the time. How do you think that compares to communities like Detroit, Washington DC, or Philadelphia just to name a few? Or how about closer to home? Ask around to some of the neighboring more rural communities and see what their response times are like. I guarantee that some will be longer than the average time publicized by AMR in WGGB’s article, but the patient outcomes will still be favorable. Just like with in-hospital medicine, perfection will never be obtained in prehospital medicine. Errors are going to happen because not only are the...
“I Don’t Like To Take Riders”
Recently, I was checking out some EMS related blogs while enjoying my morning coffee when I came upon a post at Captain Chair Confessions called “I don’t like to take riders.” In the post CCC talks about the fact that he feels that passengers are a “distraction” to him in the pack and to his partner who would be driving. In a comment that follows, he outlines that his service has a policy that states only a parent of a child under ten can ride in back and all others go up front. Beyond family members his service has a policy that all other riders are taken “at the crew’s discretion.” This sounds very familiar to the policy that was in place at my previous employer. I was fortunate that through my seven years as a supervisor I did not field all that many complaints about my team working in the field. Sure, you would get the occasional nursing home RN who felt that an EMT was rude to them, or someone who complained about being cut off by a speeding ambulance, but beyond that, I took about a dozen calls from people who wanted to go to the hospital with their loved one, and were denied by the ambulance crew. When I approached the crews and asked them what happened, most of them were able to give me a valid reason why they would not allow someone else to come to the hospital with them but there were a few crews that stated “well, it’s up to our discretion.” And when I asked them what they meant by that, they replied “we don’t take riders.” I explained to each of those people that this was not discretion. I would stress them that each individual situation needed to be evaluated and we needed to do what was in the patient’s best interest, and sometimes not having to sit in the hospital alone is in their best interest. I would always do the best I could to back my crews 100% on situations like this if they gave me the ammo to do so. Calls that involved violence from assault right up to a stabbing...
No News is Bad News
The WGGB story that I wrote about last week and some recent discussions with a few friends have gotten me thinking about the common media response that EMS services seem to have. While there are some services out there that are leading the way and showing us what we need to do when it comes to public relations and the utilization of a public information officer, more times than not the attitude is taken that “no news it good news.” That could not be farther from the truth. No news means that you, as a community partner, are not doing your job. Not a month goes by that there is not some news story that an EMS service could add their input to. For example, did you know that February was Heart Awareness Month? What a great opportunity for paramedics and their leaders to talk about what a person should do when they start having chest pain at home. Another great two prong approach is to share the accomplishments and milestones of your service and your personnel with the community. Do you have someone who has been working for the service for 25 years? Write a press release about it, and invite the local paper to come interview them. Have you gotten a new cutting edge piece of equipment or a new state of the art ambulance? Invite a TV station over for a tour a demonstration. Not only does the community get to see what you are up to, but you get to build a positive relationship with the press, and your people know that you are proud of them and want them to be in the spotlight. With so many media opportunities out there, everyone has a chance to talk about whatever they want. Look at what I am doing right now. I am blogging, and people are reading it and while not every entry into the media world whether it is social or traditional requires a response, an EMS service needs to be ready to say something besides “no comment.” If people do not know what happens when they call 9-1-1, that is the service’s fault, not the public. They should...
EMS Today! Are You Here?
Have you made the trip to Washington, DC this year for the annual EMS Today hosted by JEMS? If so, you should come by the JEMS booth on Friday and say hi. Friday morning, and into the early afternoon, I will be there participating in a few podcasts starting at 10am. The podcast studio will be open and active all day on Friday and Saturday, complete with the social media lounge. Stop by, say hi, and take in some great...
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