The Podcast

Podcast Episode 17: The Medicast

Posted by on Sep 9, 2014

We took the week off last weeks or Labor Day and this week the podcast is back with a short interview that I did on Jamie Davis’ The Medicast where we talk about the show and what it is all about.  Regular shows will be back next week!  Enjoy! To download the show in MP3 format, follow this link!  Otherwise check the show out below:  ...

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For Leadership

The Ambulance of the Future

Posted by on May 12, 2017

Roughly twelve years ago, AMR and AEV’s Safety Concept Vehicle made its way to Springfield for us to take a look at.  It included a number of interesting features like an expanded harness setup to allow providers to move a little more freely around the box while still being anchored.  There were mounting brackets for cardiac monitors, and video cameras to monitor both the rear of the truck for backing up, and the passenger side to check for traffic before opening the curbside door. The vehicle itself contained a lot of positives that have been adopted over the years.  I see more cameras used in emergency vehicles and I’m a a fan of the checkered or striped patterns on the backs of trucks to make them more visible to oncoming traffic.  I have also seen a few more monitor brackets.  But where is everything else?  When is that ambulance of the future going to get here? Year after year at conference after conference, there will undoubtedly be some ambulance parked on the exhibit hall floor touting itself as the “ambulance of...

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For the Field

The EMS Bill of Rights

Posted by on Jun 22, 2017

There has been a lot of buzz over the past week about California’s EMS Bill of Rights.  Dave Konig has a great take on it over at The Social Medic that I encourage you to read.  American Medical Response has even launched a counter campaign to it complete with the hashtag #LivesBeforeLunch.  While that makes me cringe a bit, I want to touch on one line of AMR’s response to the bill that stuck with me. “As written, AB 263 is an unprecedented political power grab, and will heavily penalize private – but not public – employers of EMTs and paramedics.” When I look back at my career with AMR that spanned more than twelve years, I had a lot of ups and downs.  Had busy shifts and I had slow shifts.  I found myself mandated to work despite being sick, or just needing a day off.  Through the highlights and the lowlights of working in a busy 9-1-1 system that amassed roughly 40,000 calls per year, the instances where my 12 hour shifts hit double digits were rare when compared...

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Lessons to Learn

The Same Old Words, The Same Old Playbook

Posted by on Jun 5, 2017

Any time I peruse the pages of EMS related articles I will inevitably come across some service that is trying to take over another service’s area.  Diving deeper into those articles usually reveals the same usual arguments.  Imagine my surprise when I clicked on an article about the East Longmeadow Fire Department’s move to take over EMS response in the town of East Longmeadow. I should first point out that what I am about to write is meant to represent my own personal views on the state of the industry.  I have not inquired about anything having to do with the current staffing of ambulances and volume.  What I am reflecting on is the article and just the article coupled with my years of experience in the greater Springfield area. Just to give a little bit of background here, I used to have a dog in this fight.  As many of you know, I was a 12-year employee of American Medical Response, the last seven of which as a supervisor.  I participated in contract bids for the town, and saw service...

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Recent Posts

Podcast Episode 16: Tech Talk

Podcast Episode 16: Tech Talk

Aug 25, 2014

What does it take to put a podcast together?  What are some of the important pieces of equipment that you need?  How do you upload a podcast and get it out to the masses?  This week, Scott takes a step away from EMS topics to give you a behind the scenes “listen” into what goes into the production of EMS in the New Decade! Blue Yeti Microphone Call Recorder for Skype Audacity free audio editor and recorder Libsyn Podcast Hosting Services To download the podcast follow this link. Or, use the player...

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions

Aug 22, 2014

Every day, I try to put aside some time for combing the internet and reading a variety of industry related articles.  This week an older article from from July of 2012 that former Washington DC fire chief Dennis Rubin reposted called “5 reasons not to merge fire and police” caught my eye.  The article presents arguments against combining police and fire departments.  I read through the article and was able to draw a parallel between this topic and the argument against merging fire and EMS.  Keep in mind that this is in no way a reflection of every single fire-based system on the map.  Some do it very well but for each of those effective, progressive fire based EMS systems, I feel like I have found two who do it very poorly or worse, do not understand or care what they are getting into when they take over ambulance response.   I invite you to read the full article by clicking here  but here are some of the chief’s observations and my thoughts on them. “There are a multitude of examples where communities have fused the police and fire departments into one public safety agency.  The motivating logic seems to be that neither department is busy enough to command the tax share needed t operate separate agency. The initial belief is that merging two costly departments into one will create a more efficient department, thereby saving big public bucks.” EMS and fire are often combined for the exact same reason.  The fire departments are not busy enough so in theory, combining fire and EMS gives them the ability to handle an additional piece of the public safety workload.  The workload that EMS brings in, however, is often ignored or it is not realized to be as involved and time consuming as it is. However, the transition of police duties into the fire and rescue department comes at a steep price that you will not find on a budget line-item spreadsheet.  Intangibles such as organizational stress, personnel, resistance, and demoralization of the rank-and-file members of both departments are the major factors that will ensure this type of plan’s failure.” Take a close look at any fire and...

Best in the Country: A Follow Up

Best in the Country: A Follow Up

Aug 20, 2014

I was really happy when I started seeing chatter on twitter from Cherise Leclerc from CBS 3 after she read my original post Best in the Country that I put up on Sunday.  They were interested in Roy and Nick’s story and wanted to do a piece on it.  Over the course of the day on Tuesday, the whole thing was recorded, the interviews were done, and footage from the competition in Colorado was obtained.  I have to say Julia Leonardi did an excellent job with the story.  Have a look for yourself. . . CBS 3 Springfield – WSHM These are the kinds of stories that we as an industry need to make sure are told.  It shows the true clinical ability that service is capable of because Nick and Roy are a product of the environment that they are surrounded by.  Although people do not always get to see and hear about it, the staff at the Springfield Division of AMR does one heck of a job.  They are professional, they are competent and they bring a level of experience both collectively as field providers as well as a service provider in the area that cannot be duplicated.  A piece like this gives people an inside look into what happens after the time stops on the response time clock that so many people like to say is so important when it comes to EMS. To add to the press coverage of this story, reporter Conor Berry did his own piece based on the CBS 3 story.  Check it out here! Although Roy and Nick did not place, they had one heck of an experience in Colorado and I am proud of both of them and I know that I am not alone.  Well done, guys.  And thanks to Julia Leonardi, Cherise Leclerc and the team over at CBS 3 Springfield for telling a story that had to be...

Podcast Episode 15: The Website, Nashville, and Nurses

Podcast Episode 15: The Website, Nashville, and Nurses

Aug 18, 2014

This week, Scott takes some time to talk about the changes that have occurred to over the past couple of weeks.  He then turns to a couple of hot button topics that have come to head over past week, specifically the incident in Nashville, Tennessee where a group of paramedics were suspended and then reinstated after pronouncing a patient who was still alive.  Scott’s focus then turns to the announcement by a California nurses union that released their statement of opposition to Community Paramedicine.  The topic sparked an interesting debate on Scott’s Facebook page and he shares some of the views with you. Firefighters medics who left dying patient under investigation. An incident where Scott and some of his coworkers made a big mistake.  Full Disclosure. Paramedic vs. Nurse.  The Doctor’s Definitive Edition. To download this week’s podcast, click this link!  Otherwise, use the player...

The Best in the Country

The Best in the Country

Aug 17, 2014

Every year, American Medical Response holds a nationwide skills competition amongst their divisions.  Tryouts are held regionally and eventually the top six divisions in the country who scored the highest in the preliminary competition are sent to Colorado to compete for the right to brag that they are the best in the country.  For the second year in a row, the Springfield, Massachusetts division is represented in the finals.  Last year, it was a pair of paramedics Erin Markt and Kim Arnone who represented my old stomping grounds.  This year it is a pair of paramedics Nick Chirekos an Roy Rudolph who will be representing Western Massachusetts. The event is held in a large “simulated” city where a crew is given a fully stocked ambulance and asked to respond to calls in this mock setting where they are heavily monitored and thrown curve balls around every corner.  The stories that Kim and Erin told me last year were great.  It sounds like such a fun experience, and each of them took something from the competition. First of all, I want to to say how great it is to see AMR holding an event like this.  As the largest ambulance company in the United States, it rests on their shoulders to also strive for clinical excellence.  Putting their divisions in the spotlight like this is a great way to showcase just how good the company has become clinically.  While I am not surprised to see Springfield heading to the finals yet again, I feel like it is something that deserves quite a lot of attention. With the brewing turf war in Holyoke, Massachusetts with their fire department, and past investigative “reporting” on the division’s performance in Springfield that revolved around response times this is yet another example of how great the clinical care being provided in the greater Springfield area really is.  While some will complain about AMR as a corporation and their motives in the medical field which are occasionally driven by their need to be a profitable company for the stakeholder’s sake, the motive for the street personnel has and always will be to deliver the best patient care that they are capable...